Unlock the Secret to a Powerful, Lean, and Energetic Body—No Gym Required!

Discover How to Use Unconventional Bodyweight Exercises to Forge Muscle, Incinerate Fat, and Supercharge Your Bioenergy in Just 6 Short Weeks!

From the Desk of Jon Haas, Creator of the Bodyweight Mastery Course

Dear Future Warrior,

In today’s world, where gyms are overcrowded and expensive equipment is often out of reach, there’s a simple, powerful solution that’s been right in front of you all along. Imagine being able to build a lean, powerful body that not only looks strong but feels strong—without ever stepping foot in a gym or touching a single piece of equipment.

This isn’t just a dream; it’s the reality that awaits you with the Bodyweight Mastery Course.

The Timeless Power of Bodyweight Training

For centuries, the world’s most elite warriors—from Spartan soldiers to Roman gladiators, all the way to today’s Navy SEALs—have relied on bodyweight exercises to forge their legendary strength, endurance, and resilience. Long before barbells, dumbbells, or kettlebells were even invented, bodyweight exercises were building the bodies of history’s fiercest fighters.

But this isn’t just about building muscle. Bodyweight exercises are the key to unlocking your body’s full potential—enhancing not just your physical strength, but your endurance, flexibility, and energy levels. With bodyweight training, your body becomes your gym, and every movement you make brings you closer to your ideal physique.

Why Most Bodyweight Programs Fail—and How We’ve Solved the Problem

You’ve probably tried other bodyweight programs before. Maybe they were good, but after a while, you hit a plateau. The workouts got repetitive, boring, and the results stopped coming.

Why? Because most bodyweight programs don’t account for progression. Your body adapts to any movement or exercise over time, and if you don’t continually challenge it, your progress stalls.

So, how do you keep making gains?

There are five ways to make any exercise more effective:

  1. Use Heavier Weights (Not applicable to bodyweight, but stay with me…)

  2. Add More Sets or Reps (Effective for a while, but eventually leads to burnout and boredom)

  3. Reduce Rest Periods (A good tactic, but only part of the solution)

  4. Adjust the Tempo (Changing the speed can help, but it’s not enough by itself)

  5. Increase the Sophistication of the Exercise (This is the game-changer!)

In the Bodyweight Mastery Course, we focus on the last and most powerful method—increasing the sophistication of each exercise. This keeps your body constantly challenged, ensuring that you never hit a plateau and that your progress continues week after week.

Introducing the Bodyweight Mastery Course: A Revolutionary 6-Week Program

The Bodyweight Mastery Course is designed to systematically transform your body through a unique blend of progressive bodyweight exercises and breathing techniques. Over 6 weeks, you’ll master 6 primal movement patterns, each with 6 levels of progression, taking you from basic to advanced with ease.

This isn’t just a workout—it’s a complete transformation system that works for any fitness level. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, this course will push you to new heights of strength, flexibility, and endurance.

What’s Inside the Bodyweight Mastery Course?

6 Primal Movement Patterns:

  1. Push-Up x 6 Levels: From foundational push-ups to advanced variations that challenge your entire upper body and core.

  2. Squat x 6 Levels: Build powerful legs and a strong foundation with progressive squat variations.

  3. Lunge x 6 Levels: Develop balance, coordination, and leg strength with increasingly sophisticated lunge exercises.

  4. Frog Press x 6 Levels: Strengthen your core and build explosive power with this dynamic exercise.

  5. Core x 6 Levels: Transform your midsection with progressive core exercises that enhance stability and strength.

  6. Isometrics x 6 Levels: Master the art of tension with isometric exercises that build strength and control.

Each week, you’ll learn new variations of these movements, gradually increasing their sophistication to ensure that your body continues to adapt, grow, and improve.

What You’ll Achieve with the Bodyweight Mastery Course:

  • Rapid Muscle Growth and Fat Loss: Burn fat and build lean muscle simultaneously with exercises designed to maximize your metabolism and stimulate muscle growth.

  • Explosive Energy Levels: Experience a surge in daily energy, allowing you to work harder, play longer, and recover faster from every activity.

  • Enhanced Flexibility and Mobility: Improve your range of motion and joint health with exercises that promote flexibility and functional strength.

  • Mental Toughness and Focus: Develop the mental discipline to push through challenges and achieve your fitness goals.

  • A Strong, Athletic Physique: Sculpt your body into a lean, powerful machine with the same exercises used by elite warriors throughout history.

Why Bodyweight Mastery Is Different—and Why It Works

Most programs focus on quick fixes or trendy exercises that don’t deliver lasting results. But Bodyweight Mastery is built on the principle of progressive overload—a scientifically proven method for continuous improvement. By gradually increasing the complexity and intensity of each movement, you’re constantly challenging your body to adapt, grow, and get stronger.

This isn’t about adding more reps or reducing rest periods—it’s about mastering the art of movement. You’ll learn to control your body in ways you never thought possible, building strength from the inside out.

Bonus: Fat-Burning Eating Strategies

No transformation is complete without the right nutrition. Along with the Bodyweight Mastery Course, you’ll receive exclusive fat-burning eating strategies that will skyrocket your metabolism, helping you shed unwanted belly fat and reveal the lean muscle beneath.

Ready to Build the Body of a Warrior?

If you’re tired of the same old workouts that leave you feeling bored and burnt out, it’s time to take your training to the next level. The Bodyweight Mastery Course is your roadmap to a stronger, leaner, more powerful body—without the need for a gym or expensive equipment.

Click Here to Join the Bodyweight Mastery Course Now and start your journey towards a warrior’s physique today.

Don’t let another day go by feeling stuck in your routine. It’s time to unleash your potential and transform your body in just 6 short weeks. With the Bodyweight Mastery Course, you’ll have everything you need to build the body you’ve always wanted.

Course curriculum

    1. Bodyweight Mastery Program Training Plan

    2. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 1: Introduction and The Basic Push-Up

    3. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 2: The Basic Squat

    4. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 3: The Basic Lunge

    5. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 4: The Basic Frog Press

    6. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 5: Core Strength Foundations

    7. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 6: The Isometric Plank

    1. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 7: The Arrow Push-Up

    2. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 8: The Prisoner Squat

    3. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 9: The Twisting Lunge

    4. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 10: Elliptical Frog Press

    5. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 11: Basic Spinal Rock

    6. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 12: Isometric Squat Hold

    1. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 13: Hindu Push-Ups

    2. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 14: Hindu Squats

    3. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 15: Full Twist Lunge

    4. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 16: Plyometric Frog Hops

    5. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 17: Twisting Spinal Rocks

    6. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 18: Isometric Push-Up Hold

    1. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 19: The Screwing Push-Up

    2. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 20: Explosive Jump Squats

    3. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 21: The Lunge Switch

    4. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 22: The Clapping Frog Press

    5. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 23: Spinal Rock Hurdles

    6. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 24: The Archer Isometric Exercise

    1. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 25: Rolling Wrist Push-Ups

    2. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 26: The Rock Up Deck Squat

    3. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 27: Bulgarian Split Squats

    4. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 28: The Sit Thru

    5. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 29: Hollow Body Position

    6. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 30: The Isometric Deadlift

    1. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 31: The Sprawl

    2. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 32: The Rock Up Jump Squat

    3. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 33: The Airborne Lunge

    4. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 34: Leaping Sit Thrus

    5. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 35: The V Up

    6. Bodyweight Mastery Lesson 36: Flowing Isometrics

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Bodyweight Mastery Course

What will You Discover in the Bodyweight Mastery Program?

  • 6 Primal movement patterns that are incrementally increased in 6 progressive, highly effective bodyweight workouts that build in sophistication over 6 weeks and are scalable to any level of fitness and experience so you can just plug in and go, no guess work required!

  • Massive increases in your daily energy levels so that you can work harder, play longer, & train more often, not to mention recover much quicker from any exertion!

  • Each of the 6 progressions brings you new, more sophisticated exercise variations to keep your gains in strength, mobility, and fat loss coming with ZERO plateaus

  • Fat burning exercises and eating strategies that will skyrocket your metabolism so you can shred unwanted belly fat and build self-confidence!

Build Bodyweight Mastery and Forge an Elite Warrior Body in Just 6 Weeks!

Free Bonus Programs

You'll also receive 2 free bonus programs with your purchase of Bodyweight Mastery!

  • Free Bonus 1: The Warrior Resistance Program

    $47 value

    Learn how to use resistance bands and your own bodyweight in some pretty unique and interesting ways to build serious functional strength, martial power, and a stronger structure. ($49 value)

  • Free Bonus 2: Ninja Nutrition Guide

    $27 value

    Learn how to eat like a man to burn fat, build whole-body lean muscle, and dramatically increase health and energy! The optimal diet for men over 40! No counting calories. Put fat-burning and muscle-building on autopilot! Strategically utilize cheat days to still enjoy pizza and beer while burning fat like a champ!


Jon Haas

My name is Jon Haas. I'm the founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems, as well as a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, 9th dan Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and a certified Personal Trainer and FMS. I have spent over 30 years - a lifetime - training, studying and working with the best in the areas of martial arts, internal power development, and strength and conditioning to figure out how to reverse engineer the ultimate in human performance for martial art, combat sport, and living a powerful, healthy warrior lifestyle.  I have created over 33 programs focused on building internal power, functional strength, qigong energy training, and breathwork exercises for martial artists looking to forge the ultimate level of skill and power in their practice. The goal of my teaching has always been to help as many people as possible reveal their full capacity as human beings while living a strong, happy, and pain-free life. Visit www.warriorfitness.org for more information.