Discover How to Combine Functional Strength with Ancient Practices of Internal Power to Create Your Own Personal Practice While Forging a Powerful Body for Martial Arts!

The Next Level in Becoming a Fully Integrated Warrior Monk!

From the desk of Jon Haas, The Warrior Coach...

Dear Martial Friends:

In my coaching and teaching practice over the past decade I continuously see one glaring error that stands out to me as the biggest impediment to improvement.

That error?

The lack of a solo training practice.

Or, the lack of knowledge on how to correctly train yourself so that you actually improve from day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year.

Over the 40 years I have been involved in martial arts (and 2 decades as a strength coach) I have perfected the art of solo training. 

My practice is part art, part science, and part chaos. All rolled into one complete system that, in my humble opinion, kicks the ass of anything else out there. :)

How do you do it?

Introducing The Integrated Warrior Program: How to Build Your Daily Personal Practice!


This is your entrance into the Warrior's Inner Sanctuary. 

A whole new and untapped level of training reserved for members only. In this inner door level you get access to training and teaching I only reserve for my closest private students. :)

 Here's some more info about the program:

I have created a series of powerful, hard-hitting lessons that will completely transform your daily personal practice. 

  • This program will turn you into a highly functional, fully integrated human being combining physical training, internal strength, and mental focus to become unstoppable.

The outcome is simple:

Build the daily personal practice routines into your existing schedule to maximize the training time you have available while not having to sacrifice time you spend at work or with your family. I'll teach you everything you need to make that happen in an organized, step-by-step manner.

To do that, we'll solve the three biggest problems that stop the majority of martial artists dead in their tracks and prevent them from becoming high level masters:

1) Not enough time to train

2) Training the wrong things

3) Scattered, inconsistent way of training (no system)

First we have to prioritize your schedule. We will look at all your daily activities, including work and family time, and identify the most opportune time(s) for you to train effectively and efficiently.

The second problem we'll solve is dialing in your personal training goals and creating a progressive plan to work on them. This will ensure you are working on the most important exercises, drills, and techniques to move the needle forward and rapidly increase your rate of progress.

And the third problem we will solve (as a continuation of problem 2 above) is systematizing your personal practice so that you are never off track.

 This is how we will get you from zero to hero in a very short amount of time. The end result is I give you my entire system of training and help you implement it into your own personal situation. 

We work hand-in-hand to guide you on the road to mastery of body, mind, and spirit! 

Here's a short breakdown of the 6 modules:

Module 1: The Physical - learn the most effective selection of functional strength exercises in the Warrior Fitness arsenal to forge a powerful physique, whole-body strength and integration, plus sky-rocket your resistance to injury while enhancing flexibility and mobility together. We will utilize unconventional training equipment like kettlebells, maces, and heavy clubs, plus a slew of bodyweight exercises to tie it all together.

Module 2: The Internal - learn the most effective selection of internal strength and power exercises from classical internal martial arts through the lens of my years of experience learning, teaching, training, and transmitting this esoteric body of knowledge.

Module 3: The Breath - learn the most effective selection of breathing exercises, methods, and strategies for enhancing energy, recovering from exercises, pushing past pain, increasing endurance, and integrating and connecting the body for strength.

Module 4: The Martial - learn how all the previous modules come together to create one, unified delivery platform for your entire martial art practice. We will explore the most effective ways to integrate your breathing, movement, and structure to augment the most critical part of your martial art practice - YOU!

Module 5: The Advanced Tactics - this module is the upper level of training for the first 4. Inside we will delve deeply into cutting edge mental and emotional strategies to catapult your practice to the next level. This training module alone will blow you away!

Module 6: Your Personal Practice - here is where we unite all we have learned and together create your own personal plan of attack for forging mastery in your life and your art. 

You will in the best shape of your life, completely focused with both clarity and discipline, and on the road to increasing your mastery of yourself and your art.  

Here's how everything will work...

The Integrated Warrior Program is an intensive and comprehensive course. It is literally your one-stop-shop to becoming masterful in your practice!

  • You will build a highly successful solo practice step by step that's perfectly tailored to you. That's where this program differs from others out there.
  • All training is detailed in streamable or downloadable videos of each of the exercises, methods, and practices. You will receive printable weekly workout sheets with all of our training laid out for you to follow each week. 
  • You will have lifetime access to the program and I will be periodically updating it and adding new bonuses for free.
  • You will learn the most valuable skill set of all - how to overcome your own personal fears, self-doubts, and how to give yourself permission to be successful

Course curriculum

    1. Integrated Warrior Lesson 1 - Begin with the End in Mind

    2. Integrated Warrior Lesson 2: How to Organize Your Time

    3. Integrated Warrior Time Block Template

    4. Integrated Warrior Lesson 3: Vision and Goal Setting

    5. Integrated Warrior Lesson 4: Your Hour of Power

    6. Integrated Warrior Lesson 5: Daily Mobility Practice

    7. Follow Along Mobility Routine

    8. Integrated Warrior Lesson 6: The Roadmap to Creating a Personal Practice

    9. Integrated Warrior Roadmap

    10. Integrated Warrior Lesson 7: Using Stored Elastic Energy to Power Movement

    1. Integrated Warrior Lesson 8: Bodyweight Training Exercises

    2. Introduction to Bodyweight Training

    1. Integrated Warrior Lesson 9: Kettlebell Foundational Exercises

    2. Kettlebell Swing Introduction and Tutorial

    3. One Arm Kettlebell Swing Tutorial

    4. H2H Kettlebell Swing Tutorial

    5. Kettlebell Clean & Press Tutorial

    6. Double Kettlebell Clean & Press Tutorial

    7. Kettlebell Single Arm Row Tutorial

    8. Kettlebell Goblet Squat Tutorial

    1. Integrated Warrior Lesson 10: Steel Mace Exercises for Rotational Strength

    2. Steel Mace Shoulder Opening Exercises

    3. Steel Mace Gravediggers

    4. Steel Mace 10 to 2

    5. Steel Mace 360's

    1. Integrated Warrior Lesson 11: Clubbell Exercises for 3 Dimensional Strength

    2. Clubbell Shoulder Opening Exercises

    3. Clubbell Swipe Tutorial

    4. Clubbell Shield Cast Tutorial

    5. Clubbell Mill Tutorial

    6. Clubbell Reverse Mill Tutorial

    7. Clubbell Extended Range Strength

    1. Integrated Warrior Lesson 12: Biotensegrity Basics

    2. Biotensegrity Part 2

    3. Integrated Warrior Lesson 13: Internal Power Foundational Training

    4. Six Direction Standing Practice

About this course

  • $67.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Are You Ready to Unlock Your Personal Power and See Just How Far You Can Go in Your Journey to Warrior Mastery?


Jon Haas

My name is Jon Haas. I'm the founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems, as well as a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, 9th dan Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and a certified Personal Trainer and FMS. I have spent over 30 years - a lifetime - training, studying and working with the best in the areas of martial arts, internal power development, and strength and conditioning to figure out how to reverse engineer the ultimate in human performance for martial art, combat sport, and living a powerful, healthy warrior lifestyle.  I have created over 33 programs focused on building internal power, functional strength, qigong energy training, and breathwork exercises for martial artists looking to forge the ultimate level of skill and power in their practice. The goal of my teaching has always been to help as many people as possible reveal their full capacity as human beings while living a strong, happy, and pain-free life. Visit for more information.