Discover the Hidden Secrets of Internal Power for Wing Chun

Transform Your Martial Art into a True Force of Nature

Dear Fellow Martial Artist,

If you're reading this, you're not just another martial artist. You're someone who understands that true mastery in Wing Chun isn't just about technique or speed – it's about something far deeper. You're searching for the key that unlocks the hidden power lying dormant within your body.

You’re seeking the edge that separates the average practitioner from the true master – the kind of power that allows you to effortlessly control your opponents, strike with devastating force, and maintain perfect balance under any circumstance.

What you’re searching for is Internal Power – and it’s time for you to claim it.

Why Internal Power is the Missing Link in Your Wing Chun Training

You’ve spent years honing your Wing Chun techniques. Your Siu Nim Tao is sharp, your punches are fast, and your stance is strong. But you know something is missing. Despite all your training, there’s a gap – a feeling that there’s more to be gained, a deeper level of power and control that’s just out of reach.

Imagine being able to:

  • Strike with a power that seems impossible given your size or muscle mass, sending opponents reeling with just a touch.
  • Feel the energy of your opponent before they even move, allowing you to counter effortlessly and with precision.
  • Maintain perfect structure and balance even when under attack, making it nearly impossible for anyone to knock you off your centerline.
  • Use your internal energy to fuel your techniques, creating a flow of movement that feels natural, powerful, and unstoppable.

This is the true essence of Wing Chun – and it’s all possible through the cultivation of Internal Power.

Introducing the 8-Week Internal Power Wing Chun Mastery Course

This is not just another online course. This is an 8-week transformation program that will take your Wing Chun practice from where it is now to a level of mastery that few martial artists ever achieve.

Here’s what you’ll get:

Week 1-2: Building the Foundation – Internal Structure and Stance

We start with the very core of Internal Power – your stance and internal structure. You’ll learn to develop an unshakable foundation that allows you to harness the power of your entire body, making every movement stronger, faster, and more effective.

  • Zhan Zhuang (Standing Meditation) to develop a deep connection between your body and internal energy.
  • Forging Strength in the Wing Chun Stance to create a rock-solid foundation for all your techniques.
  • Siu Nim Tao with a focus on internal alignment, turning this fundamental form into a powerful tool for energy cultivation.

Week 3-4: Power Development – Wing Chun Punching and Internal Power Integration

In these weeks, you’ll focus on transforming your Wing Chun punches from ordinary strikes into devastating blows powered by internal energy.

  • Dynamic Power Breathing techniques to integrate breath and internal power with every punch.
  • Siu Nim Tao with an emphasis on power development, ensuring every movement is infused with internal energy.
  • Wooden Dummy Training to refine your structure and power, using this ancient tool to perfect your internal power application.

Week 5-6: Application of Internal Power – Fighting Principles and Advanced Wooden Dummy Training

Now it’s time to put your internal power into practice. You’ll learn to apply these principles in real-world Wing Chun scenarios, making your techniques more effective and your defenses nearly impenetrable.

  • Wing Chun Fighting Principles with Internal Power to master centerline control, redirection, and simultaneous attack and defense.
  • Advanced Wooden Dummy Training to push your internal power to its limits, refining your ability to use it in complex, dynamic situations.
  • Chi Sau Drills designed to enhance your sensitivity and control, allowing you to dominate any exchange.

Week 7-8: Mastery and Integration – Bo Staff Training and Comprehensive Internal Power Application

In the final phase of your transformation, you’ll take your internal power to new heights with extended power development using the Bo staff. You’ll learn how to integrate everything you’ve learned into a seamless, powerful Wing Chun practice that you can rely on in any situation.

  • Bo Staff Qi Gong to extend your internal power through weapons, enhancing your reach and striking force.
  • Application Drills that take your Wing Chun techniques to the next level, making every movement a masterful blend of speed, power, and precision.
  • Advanced Chi Sau and Sparring to test your skills in real-time, ensuring you can apply your internal power under pressure.

Why This Course is Your Key to Unlocking the Ultimate Wing Chun Mastery

This is not a course for beginners. This is for martial artists who are serious about their training and committed to achieving the highest levels of mastery.

You’ve already put in the time, the sweat, the effort. Now, it’s time to go beyond the surface, to delve into the depths of Wing Chun, where true power lies.

This course will give you:

  • A Proven System for integrating Internal Power with your Wing Chun practice, transforming your techniques into something truly extraordinary.
  • Expert Guidance every step of the way, ensuring you’re on the right path and making the progress you deserve.
  • Tangible Results in just 8 weeks – you’ll see and feel the difference in your power, control, and effectiveness.

The Time to Act is Now

Opportunities like this don’t come around often. Right now, you have the chance to unlock a level of Wing Chun mastery that most martial artists only dream of. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Click the link below to enroll in the 8-Week Internal Power Wing Chun Mastery Course today and start your journey to becoming a true Wing Chun master.

This is your moment. Don’t hesitate. Your path to mastery starts now.

To your success in martial arts,

Jon Haas, The Warrior Coach

P.S. Remember, this isn’t just about learning new techniques – it’s about transforming your entire approach to Wing Chun. In 8 weeks, you’ll have the internal power, control, and mastery that sets you apart as a true martial artist. Enroll now and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Internal Power for Wing Chun Course

    2. Internal Power Wing Chun Training Plan

    1. Lesson 1: Zhan Zhuang for Wing Chun - Building the Foundation

    2. Lesson 2: Siu Nim Tau for Building Internal Power part 1

    3. Lesson 3: Siu Nim Tau for Building Internal Power part 2

    4. Lesson 4: Siu Nim Tau for Building Internal Power part 3

    1. Lesson 5: Power Breathing for Connection and Internal Strength Development

    2. Lesson 6: The Wing Chun Press Up for Building Internal Structure

    3. Lesson 7: Introduction to Wooden Dummy for Internal Power

    4. Lesson 8: Playing the Shadow Wooden Dummy

    1. Lesson 9: Wing Chun Fighting Principles with Internal Power

    2. Lesson 10: Advanced Wooden Dummy Training

    3. Lesson 11: Chi Sau (Sticky Hands) Drills

    1. Lesson 12: Bo Staff Training for Extended Power Development

    2. Lesson 13: Advanced Application Drills

    3. Lesson 14: Mastery-Level Chi Sau and Sparring

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Why Buy Now?

A lot of online martial arts courses on the market can set you back a lot of money, like some sell for over $500, for example.

Or you could travel and attend a weekend workshop, but with airfare and hotel those can be a staggering $1,000 or more. 

But this course shows you even more than what you'll learn with those expensive alternatives, but at a fraction of the cost.

The price of this course is just $67 ...which is almost 90% LESS than what you'd pay for a different online course.

But when you buy NOW, you can have it for $47.

So that's a $20 savings!

I'm offering this discount because I'm hoping it will give you even more motivation to get this course NOW.

I know that once you go through the materials, you'll absolutely love it.

...And I'm hoping that maybe you'll tell your friends about it and give it a nice review :-)

You will learn more from this program (and get better results) than you would from taking something that's ten times more expensive.

As an aside, another (admittedly selfish) reason for this discount is that the overwhelming majority of my customers are repeat customers.

So I know that if I do a good job for you in this program, you'll probably want to purchase more programs from me in the future.

Buy Now for Only $47 (Save $20!)


Jon Haas

My name is Jon Haas. I'm the founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems, as well as a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, 9th dan Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and a certified Personal Trainer and FMS. I have spent over 30 years - a lifetime - training, studying and working with the best in the areas of martial arts, internal power development, and strength and conditioning to figure out how to reverse engineer the ultimate in human performance for martial art, combat sport, and living a powerful, healthy warrior lifestyle.  I have created over 33 programs focused on building internal power, functional strength, qigong energy training, and breathwork exercises for martial artists looking to forge the ultimate level of skill and power in their practice. The goal of my teaching has always been to help as many people as possible reveal their full capacity as human beings while living a strong, happy, and pain-free life. Visit for more information.