Theory - You will learn exactly how yin/yang, heaven-earth-man, and yi(intent)-chi(energy)-li(strength) work to forge an incredible mind body connection for internal power.

Practice - You will learn the most effective exercises I have found in over 30 years of martial training to build high level internal power quickly and safely.

Application - You will learn how to utilize your internally powered budo body in your martial arts practice with training partners. This is the missing link that most never teach!

Power Building for Martial Arts Training

Dear Fellow Martial Artist, Do you want to be able to build amazing strength from the inside out, increase the resilience and injury resistance of your body, so that you are able to hit harder, train longer, and completely dismantle any opponent? If so, then this training is for you! How would it feel to have knock down power in all your strikes and kicks? How would it feel to have people look at you in awe as you dominate them on the mat in training or sparring? How would it feel to be virtually impossible to lock or takedown unless you allowed it? Internal power training is literally the holy grail of power building when it comes to martial arts. Inside the Ryu Tai Tanren seminar video is where you can sit in and watch me reveal ALL my secret training methods - no holds barred!!   The internal power training exercises change the way outside forces act on the body.  The structure becomes dynamically stable so that applied force can either be distributed throughout the chain and dissipated or, at a higher level, simply reflected right back onto the opponent.  When force is reflected back this is what is known in Japanese as Yamabiko, or Mountain Echo. These specific training exercises burn in new ways of moving that are not normal which create a very stable, powerful structure capable of absorbing, re-translating, and projecting incoming force.

About the Instructor

My name is Jon Haas. I'm the founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems, as well as a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, 9th dan Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and a certified Personal Trainer and FMS. I have spent over 40 years - a lifetime - training, studying and working with the best in the areas of martial arts, strength and conditioning, and internal power development to figure out how to reverse engineer the ultimate in human performance for martial art, combat sport, and living a powerful, healthy warrior lifestyle.  The goal of my teaching has always been to help as many people as possible reveal their full capacity as human beings while living a strong, happy, and pain-free life. Back in 2008 I wrote the book, Warrior Fitness: Conditioning for Martial Arts. It was a huge hit and helped martial artists across the globe upgrade their health, strength, and performance for martial arts.  But I wasn't satisfied with it... Since then I have been working harder than ever to refine my understanding, improve my system, and clarify my communication to bring you the best possible training programs for building superior strength, flexibility, and whole-body power and pain-free movement for ALL people across all walks of life! This new seminar video is the culmination of all I have learned and developed so far, and on the cutting-edge of how I train myself and my closest personal training students. I sincerely hope that you choose to invest in the The Ryu Tai Tanren Seminar video and reap the benefits of the practices I have laid out for you inside for years to come! The secrets of growing stronger, more energetic, and healthier as you get older are inside. I invite you to come share them with me!

Get Access to the Complete Ryu Tai Tanren Seminar Video (76 minutes of instructional footage) for Only $47

Learn How to Use Relaxed Power that Increases as You Get Older! And, Much More...