Unlock the Hidden Potential of Your Body: Reclaim Strength, Poise, and Endless Energy with The Warrior’s Health System

A Transformative Journey to Reintegrate Your Breathing, Movement, and Alignment—Empower Your Body, Mind, and Spirit Like Never Before

From the desk of Jon Haas, The Warrior Coach

Dear Health Warrior,

In a world where stress, chronic pain, and fatigue have become the norm, it's easy to forget what true vitality feels like. But imagine, just for a moment, waking up each day with boundless energy, moving through life with the effortless grace of a warrior, and feeling stronger and more confident than ever before. Imagine living a life where chronic pain is a distant memory, and your body is a source of power, not discomfort.

This isn’t just a fantasy. It’s the reality that thousands of people are experiencing thanks to The Warrior’s Health System—a groundbreaking program that I’ve developed to help you reclaim the natural strength, poise, and energy that are your birthright.

Why You’re Feeling Drained, Stressed, and Out of Alignment—And How You Can Fix It

Let’s face it—life takes a toll on your body. Over time, the stress of daily life, past injuries, and unresolved trauma accumulate in your body like rust on a once-smooth machine. This rust tightens your muscles, distorts your posture, and disrupts the natural flow of energy that keeps you feeling vibrant and alive. This isn’t just uncomfortable—it’s a slow descent into chronic dysfunction, pain, and dis-ease.

But here’s the truth: You don’t have to accept this decline as inevitable.

The body has an incredible capacity for self-healing when given the right tools and guidance. That’s where The Warrior’s Health System comes in—a unique, holistic approach that not only addresses the symptoms of dysfunction but goes straight to the root causes. This system integrates ancient martial arts wisdom with the latest advances in sports science to help you rebuild your body from the inside out.

What is The Warrior’s Health System?

The Warrior’s Health System is more than just a fitness program—it’s a complete system for restoring the natural harmony between your breathing, movement, and alignment. This is the foundation of true health, and when these elements are in sync, the results are nothing short of miraculous.

Here’s what you’ll experience:

  • Rediscover the Freedom of Movement: Imagine feeling the same fluidity and ease of movement you had as a child. By recovering the full range of motion in your joints and coordinating mobility with functional strength, you’ll move with the grace and agility that most people only dream of.

  • Reclaim Your Breath, Reclaim Your Energy: Breath is life. But most people only use a fraction of their lung capacity. In The Warrior’s Health System, you’ll learn how to harness the full power of your breath, increasing oxygen intake, boosting cellular energy, and reducing stress like never before.

  • Align Your Body, Strengthen Your Core: Your posture isn’t just about how you look—it’s about how you function. Poor alignment leads to chronic pain, injury, and fatigue. Through precise techniques, you’ll realign your body, strengthen your core, and reduce the pull of gravity, so you feel stronger, more balanced, and more resilient every day.

Here’s How The Warrior’s Health System Will Transform Your Life

  1. Eliminate Hidden Tension That’s Draining Your Energy

    • Did you know that most people carry around a tremendous amount of unconscious tension? This tension saps your energy and leaves you feeling drained. Through a series of targeted exercises, you’ll release this tension, unlocking energy you didn’t even know you had.

  2. Breathe Deeper, Live Fuller

    • Breath is your body’s primary energy source. When you breathe deeply and fully, you flood your body with oxygen, revitalizing every cell. The Warrior’s Health System teaches you how to breathe in a way that maximizes your energy and calms your mind, so you can face life’s challenges with clarity and vigor.

  3. Realign Your Body for Optimal Strength and Function

    • The modern lifestyle wreaks havoc on your posture, pulling your body out of alignment and leading to chronic pain and dysfunction. The Warrior’s Health System will help you correct these imbalances, restoring your natural posture and giving you the strength and stability of a true warrior.

Do you remember that scene from the classic movie, Roadhouse (the original Patrick Swayze one, not the remake) when he's getting stitched up after being cut in a bar fight and the doc tries to give him a local shot to numb the area, the manly Dalton declines the anesthetic.

 She tells him it's for the pain and he utters one of the best tough guy movie lines ever, "pain don't hurt." :) 

The reality though is much different.

Pain does hurt.

Chronic pain hurts all the time.

The thing is, chronic pain doesn't just happen... 
It is the product of years of poor alignment, stress, or past trauma that accumulate over time.
As tension, tightness, and knots form in your soft tissue they begin to pull the entire body out of alignment, like a snag in a sweater deforming the whole garment.
Rebalancing your body and removing excess tension, and relieving chronic pain can only happen through a systematic process mobilizing the body, breath, and posture.
The Warrior's Health System is one of the most effective and long lasting means of healing old injuries, past traumas, and destroying stress.

What will You Discover Inside The Warrior's Health System?

This isn’t just a series of exercises—it’s a comprehensive system designed to rebuild your body from the ground up. Here’s what you’ll master:

    1. Part 1: Recovering the Full Range of Motion in All Joints

    2. Part 2: Coordinating Mobility to Increase Functional Range of Motion

    3. Part 3: Integrating Postural Alignment

    4. Part 4: Understanding the 3 Levels of Breathing to Increase Energy & Relieve Stress

    5. Part 5: Coordinating Breathing in Different Planes of Movement

    6. Part 6: Fluid Breathing Drills to Unite all 3 Levels of Breathing

    7. Part 7: Advanced Breathing Exercises to Integrate Movement & Alignment

    8. Part 8: Spinal Rock Series for Core Activation

    9. Part 9: The Complete Follow Along Daily Health Routine

    10. Part 10: Vibration Drills for Removing Residual Tension

    11. Warrior's Health System Free Preview Lesson

    1. Zhan Zhuang Unleashed

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Why The Warrior’s Health System Works When Other Programs Fail

Your Daily Mobility Practice is Literally The Fountain of Youth - "You Are Only as Old As Your Joints!"

Most fitness programs are a band-aid solution. They focus on superficial results without addressing the underlying issues that cause pain, dysfunction, and fatigue. That’s why so many people struggle to maintain their health and energy long-term.

The Warrior’s Health System is different because it goes deeper. It addresses the root causes of your body’s dysfunction, restoring the natural harmony between your breathing, movement, and alignment. This isn’t about quick fixes—it’s about creating lasting change that transforms your body, mind, and spirit.

The Time to Take Action is Now

Your body is your most valuable asset. Every day that passes is another day you could be living with more energy, more strength, and more confidence. But to make that happen, you need to take the first step.

Don’t let another day go by living in pain, fatigue, or frustration. The Warrior’s Health System is the solution you’ve been looking for.

Click Below to Join The Warrior’s Health System Now and begin your journey towards a stronger, healthier, more vibrant you. Imagine waking up tomorrow feeling more alive, more powerful, and more in control of your body than you have in years. That’s the life that awaits you when you start The Warrior’s Health System today.

Reviews of this Course

5 star rating

Warrior's Health System is Amazing

Pete Puza

Jon expands more on mobility and breath work as a means of keeping the body young and healthy that he started with his other courses like Shadow Strength and Zhan Zhuang Unleashed and Vital Force. But like all his courses, there's so much more t...

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Jon expands more on mobility and breath work as a means of keeping the body young and healthy that he started with his other courses like Shadow Strength and Zhan Zhuang Unleashed and Vital Force. But like all his courses, there's so much more than just mobility or strength and the depth is deep.

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Create Radiant Health in Your Own Life Starting Right Now!


Jon Haas

My name is Jon Haas. I'm the founder of Warrior Fitness Training Systems, as well as a certified Underground Strength Coach-Level 2, 9th dan Black belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and a certified Personal Trainer and FMS. I have spent over 30 years - a lifetime - training, studying and working with the best in the areas of martial arts, internal power development, and strength and conditioning to figure out how to reverse engineer the ultimate in human performance for martial art, combat sport, and living a powerful, healthy warrior lifestyle.  I have created over 33 programs focused on building internal power, functional strength, qigong energy training, and breathwork exercises for martial artists looking to forge the ultimate level of skill and power in their practice. The goal of my teaching has always been to help as many people as possible reveal their full capacity as human beings while living a strong, happy, and pain-free life. Visit www.warriorfitness.org for more information.


  • What equipment is required?

    None. All you need is your own bodyweight.

  • How much time is required for the workouts?

    All you need is 15 minutes (or less!) to get in a complete session of Warrior Health!

  • Am I too old for this?

    Nope. I have clients who range in age from 20's to 80's and everywhere in between.

  • Will this help me in my martial art or sports practice?

    Yes! Absolutely. The Warrior's Health System is designed with your martial movement in mind. This daily practice also acts as both a warm-up and movement primer for any type of martial art, combat sport, or the game of life.

My Ironclad Guarantee

This course, my proprietary masterpiece, surpasses the value of any exorbitant health first training available on the market, commanding thousands from enthusiasts.

And yet, your investment in this invaluable resource? 

A mere $1.50 per day, extrapolated over a month. Less than your daily expenditure on coffee, chewing gum, or a bottle of water. 

You can seize this remarkable opportunity right now, simply by clicking the button above. Even if I were to price this a full tenfold higher, I would rest easy, secure in the knowledge that I've handed you an unbeatable bargain.

Consider the costly alternatives: hiring a personal health coach, attending a workshop, or investing in some exorbitantly priced training program. 

Comparatively, The Warrior's Health System is a clear and compelling choice. I've exerted every effort to ensure you gain all you desire: an express route to building extraordinary health, strength, and energy, the capacity to outshine your limitations, and the dream of achieving unparalleled wellness.

But the value doesn't stop there. 

I offer you a full 30-day trial, entirely risk-free. Test-drive The Warrior's Health System for a whole month. 

If you don't witness tangible results, or if you don't feel my course has elevated your health & wellness more than anything else ever could, or if you find any reason for dissatisfaction, simply send us an email. You'll be promptly refunded every single penny. This offer is utterly risk-free; there is simply no way for you to lose.